SZ Stuttgarter Zeitung
For Stuttgarter Zeitung’s Triple A magazine.

The University of Toronto Magazine
Spring 2024 issue - Link to the article online


Illustration for the cover of VPRO Gids.
Celebrating Dutch landscape architect Mien Ruys (1904 - 1999).⁣

Mien Ruys is not a familiar name to most people. But for architects, artists, and garden enthusiasts, Mien Ruys is an icon. She was the only female landscape architect of her time; a conceptual artist who collaborated with Rietveld, Bonnema, and Mondriaan. She revolutionized the concept of gardens and gardening and was the major inspiration for the internationally renowned landscape architect Piet Oudolf.⁣

Available as a print in my webshop


2021, in Santa Croce di Magliano, Italy

The mural is part of the broader cultural (S)punti di Vista program by the Embassy and Consulate General of the Netherlands in Italy, in partnership with INWARD – National Observatory on Urban Creativity and cooperation with sixUCAS – Urban Creativity Association.

HollAndMe is creating a creative partnership between Holland and Italy to bring dutch street art to six Italian cities. Invited by ACAG – Associazione Culturale Antonio Giordano for the
PAG – Premio Antonio Giordano.



Illustration for Tylko highlighting their new color: dark brown
Tylko is a furniture company that specializes in customizable and modular furniture.

My own Tylko in the studio.