American Souvenir Series California, 2022, acrylic on wood, 32 x 42 cm €380

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Nearly every year, California experiences major wildfires that can be devastating to the environment and communities throughout the state. These fires tend to frequently and tragically displace California locals from their homes due to property destruction, poor air quality, extreme heat, and other consequences. While many of the trees that burn down will grow back over a period of 100 years or so, there are significant associated impacts of these losses on biodiversity, on water quality and soil erosion.
Climate change is seen as a key driver of these fires, with rising temperatures creating drier conditions in which more trees burn. The UN says that the outlook for forest fires in the decades ahead is grim. There is an expected increase of 50% in extreme fires by the end of this century. To address this problem, scientists say that rapid and deep cuts in global carbon emissions are key. (BBC, Frontlinewildfire)

Gun violence and school shootings are an American epidemic that, as a European, I find hard to grasp. There have been shootings at U.S. schools almost every year since 1966. Did you know that guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens? 1 out of 10 gun deaths are age 19 or younger. Insane. (Sandy Hook Promise)
Made after the Uvalde school shooting May 24th 2022, but ‘The Lone Star State’ is in the news yet again May 6th 2023 with the deadly mall shooting in Allen.

Washington D.C.
Januari 6th, 2021,12:00: President Trump begins his speech to supporters in Washington. Some 15 minutes into it, he starts urging them to converge on the Capitol. "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," he said.
‘Trump sent his followers to “fight like hell” at the Capitol, where they smeared shit in the marble halls, set off smoke bombs, and stampeded through a mess of ransacked documents, broken glass and splintered wood.